November 30, 2020

Database Startup Failed with ORA-00210/ ORA-15040 after Patching DB System OCI

Posted by Shaik Ahmed Ali on November 30, 2020 in | No comments

 Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to share with you the issue that came after applying the patch on the OCI DB SYSTEM.

So after applying the patch on ORACLE_HOME my database instance was not mounting and throwing the below exception in the alert log

Then I switch to GRID home using grid user and check if DISKGROUPS are mounted or not and found disk groups are mounted and the ASM instance also started using the below query:
select group_number,state,name from v$asm_diskgroup;

then check the permission of the ASM disk and found to be correct as "ASMADMIN",
then I check for the permission of oracle binary in ORACLE_HOME and found that the permission has been changed from "ASMADMIN" to "OINSTALL" after applying the patch.


As a root user or oracle if you have sudo access go to the bin directory and change the ownership as below:

chgrp asmadmin oracle
chmod 6751 oracle 

after doing the above changes I am able to start the database.

I hope the above issue helps you solve it, if it happened to you thank you all for reading.

Shaik Ahmed Ali


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