November 12, 2020

Memory Architecture of Oracle Database

Posted by Shaik Ahmed Ali on November 12, 2020 in , , , , , , | No comments

In this Article i am going to explain you about the Memory structure of oracle database.

In Oracle database memory structure mainly consist of SGA and PGA which are core for the instance to start in the database.

1)      System Global Area (SGA)

 2)      Program Global Area (PGA) 

System Global Area:

In simple words SGA also called as Shared Global Area which is allocated at the instance startup and shared by all the processes/Thread, hold information of the instance and its behavior.

SGA consist of 3 components below are they

1)      Database Buffer Cache

2)      Redo Log Buffer Cache

3)      Shared Pool

a)      Library Cache

b)      Data Dictionary Cache

4)      Large Pool

5)      Java Pool

6)      Stream Pool

1)   Database Buffer Cache:

Database Buffer cache hold copies of data and stored the data after reading it from the disk and improve performance by storing the data in the memory which decrease the I/O to disk.

All users connected to the database share access to the Buffer DB Buffer Cache should be large enough to avoid Disk I/O.

        Blocks are managing in the buffer cache in single place with two lists which are

a)      Dirty blocks list:

      Dirty blocks are the blocks which is need to be written to the disk using a process called Database writer (DBWR)

b)      Non Dirty Blocks lists: it is the least Recently used(LRU) which holds the free buffer, pinned buffer and dirty buffer that not have been moved to the write list.

When a user process a query the server process finds the data in the buffer cache and give the output it is known as cache hit. If it cannot find the data, then it should obtain from the datafile which is present in the disk.    

  Parameter use to manage the database buffer cache is DBA_CACHE_SIZE

The size of the buffer is based on the parameter DB_BLOCK_SIZE

With the above initialization parameter, we also have below parameter for DB Buffer cache








        2)  Redo Log Buffer cache:

               Redo log buffer will have redo log entries of change data which is done on daily bases using the DML operations (Insert, update, delete, adding rows).

         In the redo log buffer, the data which is to be written to the online redo log will be cached temporary. Process which writes the data from log buffer to online redo log is Log writer (LGWR). using the online redo logs DBA can recover the database to the point of failure.

Parameter use to manage the Redo Log buffer cache is LOG_BUFFER by setting this parameter we allocate the bytes to the redo Log buffer.

3)      Shared Pool:

Shared pool stores the most recently used SQL executed and data requested by the process so that the data should not be read from the disk if it ask again. The size of the shared pool should not be too less or too large it will affect the performance of query.

           Shared Pool consist of more components

a)      Library Cache

b)      Data Dictionary Cache

c)      Result Cache

      a)       Library Cache:

        it’s a piece of memory within the SGA where it stores all the SQL statements and text of the statement goes in to this library cache.  It also has shared SQL area and Private SQL Area where the execution plan is saved. 

b) Data Dictionary cache:  

It is the highly accessed memory structure that provide information on oracle object data dictionary such as tables, column definitions username password and privileges roles etc. and validate them.

It is also called Dictionary Cache or Row cache.

      c)       Result Cache:

     Result Cache is a new feature in Oracle 11g, it caches the results of queries and puts it into the shared pool. The DBMS_RESULT_CACHE package provides administration subprograms, which flush all cached result and turn result caching on or off. If you have a query that is executed repeatedly and reads data that rarely changes, this feature can increase performance significantly.

The parameter used to set the shared pool size is SHARED_POOL_SIZE

4)      Large Pool:

    Large pool is an optional components of SGA use for the large memory allocation such as for using the query with Parallel query, taking backup using RMAN, shared server, Backup and restore

                Parameter use to set the value for large pool is LARGE_POOL_SIZE

5)      Java Pool:

      Java pool is also an optional memory in SGA used to stores the java codes such as run state, methods, Classes, Session code and data in JVM

   Parameter use to set the Java Pool Is JAVA_POOL_SIZE

6)      Streams Pool:

     This is also an optional memory allocated in SGA for the stream processing

Parameter use to set the stream pool is STREAMS_POOL_SIZE

The size of the SGA cannot exceed the value of parameter SGA_MAX_SIZE.

Memory is allocated to the SGA as contiguous virtual memory in units called granules. Granule size is depending on the estimated total size of the SGA which depends on SGA_MAX_SIZE parameter.

Granule are sized as following:

·         If the SGA is less than 128MB in total, each granule is 4MB

·         If the SGA is greater than 128MB in total, each granule is 16MB.

Granules are assigned to the database buffer cache and shared pool and these two memory components can dynamically grow and allocated when the oracle database server starts the database instance.

Query to look the size of your SGA is:

Select name, value from v$parameter where name in (‘shared_pool_size’,’java_pool_size’,’stream_pool_size’,’log_buffer’,’db_cache_size’,’db_2k_cache_size’,’large_pool_size’);

Program Global Area(PGA)

The program Global Area is also known as Process Global Area and a part of memory allocated that is outside of stores the data and control information for a single process or a single is also allocated when the process is created.

  This is not a shared part of memory –one PGA to each Process only

·         Memory reserved for each user connecting to an oracle process

·         Allocated when a process is created

·         Deallocated when the process is terminated

·         Used by only one process

The Content of the PGA varies but generally contain the following:

a)       Private SQL Area: Data for binding variables and runtime memory allocations. A user session issuing SQL statements has a private SQL Area that may be associated with a shared SQL Area.

b)      Session memory:  Memory that holds session variables and other session information

c)       SQL Work Area: Memory allocated for sort, hash-join, bitmap merge.

Private SQL Area is located according to the connection to the database server like in

·     Dedicated Server Environment: Private SQL Area is located in the PGA

·     Shared Server Environment: Private SQL Area is located in the SGA.

So in this blog you got to know about in depth of memory structure in Oracle database thanks for reading.



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